
How to make digital camo
How to make digital camo

100% of visual clarity in the range of focal vision If you want to know more about these things, I've thrown in a few links at the bottom Focal vision/central vision (If you sound smart you can use the medical term- Foveal Vision )

how to make digital camo

Here's a quick summary of a few things you need to understand before designing an effective camouflage pattern The patterns on some snakes act as Disruptive camouflage Vision This is what all just about all the camouflage patterns used by militarys around the world use, hence the name of some being DPM (disruptive pattern material)

how to make digital camo

This involves only patterns and colours, not physical shapes Disruptive camouflage disrupts, or breaks up the outline of a figure

how to make digital camo

Stick insects are a prime example of Mimetic camouflage Disruptive camouflage Mimetic camouflage mimics an object in the environment that it is in, usually by the use of colours or and/or shapes Before we get into the details of how camo works, we need to know what the different types of camo are.

How to make digital camo